Know Your Worth


Research has shown time and again that women tend not to negotiate their salaries from the moment they get out of college and after. This puts women at a pay disadvantage at the start of their careers setting a low base upon which percent increases are calculated, and then by not negotiating over the course of their careers, women continue to curb their salaries, likely contributing to the ongoing gender pay gap.

Why is it that women don’t value themselves more? Why don’t they speak up? We often don’t ask for what we need or want, because of women’s confidence gap, as chronicled in The Confidence Code by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman.

Women need to go into the depths of themselves and summon their strength and courage to make the request. We often can get what we need and want and what we are worth. We simply need to dare to ask. Women would be better off asking than never asking at all.


The Insight: Women have more to offer than we give ourselves credit, and we devalue our worth. Know your value, and ask for what you want.

Work, Optimize, Shift, AssessKathy Oneto