5. On Managing Overwhelm & Radical Self-Care with Wade Brill


I was thrilled to be joined by Wade Brill, a Mindfulness Coach, the Centered in the City podcast host, and Speaker who helps busy professionals experiencing stress and overwhelm be more present, productive and energized. Wade is really an inspiration and shared so much wisdom in our conversation. I couldn't stop asking questions!

Given Wade’s expertise, it’s not surprising that I wanted to speak with her about Sustainable Ambition and especially what I call the third pillar, Right Effort, which is about directing your energy so your work doesn’t unintentionally take over your life.

In our conversation, we cover how to deal with overwhelm, what to watch out for around burnout, her framework for radical self-care (a way for ambitious people to support themselves holistically), the power of managing our energy and self-regulation of our minds and bodies, and a lot more.

I hope you find the conversation as helpful and powerful as I did. It was so good to have you on Wade. Thank you!

More about Our Guest

Wade Brill is a Mindfulness Coach, Podcaster and Speaker who helps busy professionals experiencing stress and overwhelm be more present, productive and energized. At the age of 21, Wade survived Hodgkin’s Lymphoma while simultaneously losing her mother to Leukemia. This major life interruption inspired Wade to realize how precious life is and that practicing radical self-care is smart, not selfish. Wade devotes her life’s work to helping others connect to their own inspiration.

Wade is a Professional Certified Coach, Energy Leadership Index™ Practitioner, and Meditation Facilitator through UCLA’s Semel Institute of Neuroscience and Human Behavior. She hosts the popular Centered in the City podcast and is the creator of the Centered In the City on demand platform, offering modern meditations and self-care resources for busy professionals. Wade is a recognized speaker at conferences, companies, and retreats. Wade helps busy professionals create calm and clarity amid chaos and realize the importance of their one mind, one body, and one life.

Topics Covered

  • Where to start if you are experiencing overwhelm - create a small ritual that works for you to to settle the snow in the snow globe (listen to hear about the analogy!)

  • Exploring your energy and how you are showing up

  • The Energy Leadership Index, a rational tool to help shift one’s energy

  • Creating body knowledge and wisdom to calm the nervous system

  • The importance of practicing different mindfulness techniques, strengthening that muscle, and creating mindful moments, ways to stay present in the moment

  • The signs of burnout pre-Covid (e.g., busyness) and post-Covid (at capacity)

  • Wade’s go-to’s for centering yourself, the "The Mindful Hand of Self Care:" mindset, fuel (food), movement, space, rest and restore

  • The importance of taking personal responsibility for your own self-care or "care for self," as Wade says, and that for it to be sustainable it has to include elements that are defined by and work for you

  • Consider your relationship to time and trust that things will unfold as they are supposed to

  • Don't just apply tools, but find frameworks that work well for you for sustainable self-care; don't just listen about new methods, actually reflect and integrate them into your life

  • Counsel for companies on how to support employees in an endeavor to avoid burnout and overwhelm and build resiliency

  • The importance of championing authenticity in the workplace, along with compassion and humanness

  • Wade made me think: "humanness is the antonym of professionalism"

  • Final pieces of advice: control your monkey mind, play more, breathe!

Resources Mentioned

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5. On Managing Overwhelm & Radical Self-Care with Wade Brill

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