Not Feeling All In?


I was chatting with a girlfriend a couple of years ago, and she commented, “You know, the challenge you and I have is that we are ‘all in’ people. When we work someplace, we want to commit, and we want to give our all. When we don’t feel engaged and excited about the company we’ve joined and the role we’re in, it’s challenging and painful. We want to be ‘all in,’ but our heart’s just not in it.”


This totally made sense to me and was exactly how I had felt at times in my career. I want to commit, and it’s painful to work someplace when I don’t feel motivated to give it my all.

If you get into a company and/or a role where you struggle to be “all in,” strongly consider a move. You likely are swimming upstream.


The Insight: If you feel like you can’t be “all in,” question if you are in the right place and if you need to make a change within the company or make a move. Don’t waste your time and energy trying to make it work. Find another gig that fully resonates with you.

Work, Optimize, Assess, ShiftKathy Oneto