Make a Break for It


I love the semiotics of a particular tarot card that has an image of a bird in a cage with the door open. The bird appears confined, yet with the door open has freedom. Sometimes we find ourselves in this kind of state with our careers. We feel we are chained to a role, a company, a path, yet we do have a choice in the matter to free ourselves to pursue something new.

In your career right now, are you feeling as if you are that bird stuck in a cage? Ask yourself:

  • Am I feeling as if I’m on a treadmill that I can’t stop and can’t control?
  • Do I feel like I don’t have choices and can’t change my trajectory?
  • Am I feeling trapped by others’ desires and requests for my time?
  • Am I being too accommodating and letting circumstances call the shots or inadvertently letting others make choices for me?

Don’t let yourself turn into a puppet and claim no responsibility. In doing so, you give up your power and can end up feeling like you aren’t fulfilling your potential. Instead, liberate yourself and fly out of the cage! Make a break for it and create the space for new possibilities. Yes, it might feel a bit unnerving, yet taking that leap of faith can be rousing, as well. Give yourself freedom to explore, rather than feeling trapped by circumstances.


The Insight: Don’t put on a “compromising charade,” fooling yourself into believing you haven’t already chosen to make a new start. These compromises are a signal that things aren’t quite right and aren’t tenable. Accept your choice and be courageous. Sometimes you have to take dramatic measures to escape and be free to see new dimensions and possibilities.

Shift, Work, AssessKathy Oneto