5. How to Sabbatical on different time frames

I know that not everyone is in a position to take an extended period of time off.

I wasn’t for 5 years. Yet, I don’t believe this should stop people from taking breaks. Breaks vary in time and length. I was lucky enough to take 7 ½ months off. I realize not everyone is that fortunate.

So, here are ideas and ways to take sabbaticals of different lengths:

On the hour or in the moment

  • Take 5 deep breaths at the top of every hour.

  • When stopped at a stop light or standing in line somewhere, don’t grab your phone. Instead take 5 deep breadths.

  • Take a few moments to go back to an experience you loved. Really get it into your mind and into your body.

  • Note 3 blessings or 3 things you are grateful for.


  • Take anywhere from 15-60 minutes for yourself. Do something that makes you happy. Go for a walk. Exercise. Read a book. Write in a journal. Doodle. Get away from all electronics. Take your pick.

  • Carve out time to simply contemplate. Listen to music. Watch nature.


  • Take anywhere from 1-8 hours for yourself. Indulge in your hobbies. Take time for art. Go for a hike. Take a day trip on your own, with a friend, with your partner, or with one of your children.

  • Choose something to explore around one of your curiosities.


  • Take one weekend day a month for yourself. Indulge in what is going to feed your soul.

Quarterly / Bi-Annually / Annually

  • Take a weekend away each quarter, bi-annually, or annually.

  • Do a retreat. Visit a friend. Go camping with friends.

  • Hold a friends’ retreat.

Pauses can be powerful no matter the length. Don’t forget to take them.

For more on the power of pauses, check out Robert Poyton’s book, “Do-Pause.”

Kathy Oneto