What’s Your Next Career Adventure?

Many of us put so much pressure on ourselves to figure out our career, to know our path, and lock in a direction, whether that’s at the start of our career or at a mid-point when we’re reassessing. But what if the answer lies in the unfolding? As is said in the book I’m reading now, “The Art of Possibility:” “In the universe of possibility, you set the context and let life unfold.”

I think we have to start to realize that careers aren’t things that are programmed into us. It’s as if society believes our careers are in our genetic code—that it’s all nature and we just have to uncover what’s been embedded in us. To be sure, we are wired to have certain talents, skills, and strengths.

But, there is a nurture side, too. And more and more, as I speak with people about their career journeys and talk to experts, I believe we are all on paths of becoming, uncovering who we are over time and unfolding into what’s next as we enter the next chapter and the next chapter.

I love how David Brown characterized it on The Sustainable Ambition Podcast in Episode #9—that our careers are just a series of adventures. Yes! What if we looked at our careers from that lens? Then, what would be your next adventure? What’s calling you next? What do you want to craft as your next odyssey adventure?

With that as a frame, we might take on career exploration with a bit more courage, fierceness, and excitement.

Onward, to adventure!



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Sustainable Ambition™ is about crafting a fulfilling career to support your life from decade to decade.

It is centered around articulating your personal definition of success and achieving that without burnout while honoring your personal aspirations and ambitions as they ebb and flow over time. The end game—more fulfillment and ease in your professional and personal life, while still being ambitious.

We offer 1:1 Executive Coaching, Leadership Coaching, or Career Strategy Coaching, as well as VIP Leadership Brand Sessions and Workshops on a range of Sustainable Ambition topics. We also provide tips and inspiration, advice on career management over the decades, guides on key Sustainable Ambition topics of interest, and coverage of tools and inspiration.