What’s your Ambition Archetype

This summer I’ve been working on my book and thinking more deeply about those who have inspired its focus and contents.

The book is a reflection of my own journey of challenging assumptions about success and ambition, managing ambitions and work over my life stages, and the challenge of managing my effort and energy to avoid burnout.

But it’s also very much, if not more so, a reflection of people I’ve interviewed on the podcast or for my research on navigating careers over time; friends who have shared their experiences with me about their life, work, and ambition experiences; and coaching clients who have trusted me to walk alongside them on their journeys.

With this insight and to help people see themselves in the book and in the work, while also having a little fun perhaps, I’ve created ambition archetypes that align with the most common situations I’ve learned people tend to find themselves in over time that may lead to seeking Sustainable Ambition practices. My belief and hypothesis is that we move between these states over time; we aren’t just one archetype or one way. The context will influence our different experiences at different times.

I share these archetypes to see what you think. Do these situations ring true to you given your current situation?

So, I’m curious: what's your ambition archetype right now? How would you characterize your relationship to ambition at this time?

  • Are you disillusioned by ambition?

  • Are you over doing what you think you should and ready to reclaim your ambition to pursue what you want?

  • Is your ambition shifting—wanting to dial your ambition down or focus your ambition elsewhere like on family or another personal or professional interest?

  • Are you ready to reignite or claim your next ambition?

  • Are you pursuing a full set of life and work ambitions and seeking to make it all more sustainable?

  • Are you an ambitious, hard worker trying to keep yourself out of the over-extended, over-exhausted loop?

Which one, if any, resonates with you? If you’re up for it, I’d love your input through this brief survey. (It will just take 1-5 minutes, depending on what you’d like to share.)

Thanks, in advance, for your thoughts!

Want to get insights, tips, and tools on how to live with Sustainable Ambition? Join in here. WELCOME!


Sustainable Ambition offers a strategic approach for pursuing our professional and personal goals in a way that is motivating, meaningful, and manageable from stage to stage, rather than be all consuming in a way that compromises other important aspects of our lives or sacrifices our well-being.

We offer 1:1 Executive Coaching, Leadership Coaching, or Career Strategy Coaching, as well as VIP Leadership Brand Sessions and Workshops on a range of Sustainable Ambition topics. We also provide tips and inspiration, advice on career management over the decades, guides on key Sustainable Ambition topics of interest, and coverage of tools and inspiration.

Live, WorkKathy Oneto2024