What Can’t You Not Do? What’s Your Art?

Have you ever asked yourself, “What can’t I not do?” It’s an oddly phrased question, but a powerful one.

Said another way—what do you create or think about where you just can’t help yourself?

I have activities where I lose myself. One might look at what I’m doing and think it’s not the best use of time.

But I realized in the last month (or just put language to) the fact that I am a creative person who makes art through left brain thinking.

What does that mean? There are times I write articles, white papers, or blog posts, because I’m called to do it. It is creative work I just can’t not do. I feel compelled to create the thought piece even if I’m the only person who gets pleasure out of having thought it through and got my thinking straight on the subject.

Is that any different than someone who feels compelled to create a painting or write a song? I don’t think so. It’s my form of art, just inspired more through left brain thinking (there probably is some right brain thinking in there, too!).

I recently went to the deYoung Museum in San Francisco to see the exhibit of Calder-Picasso. First, WOW! The work was brilliant and so inspiring. In reading about the pieces and what inspired each artist to create each one, I took away that each artist was indulging in what they were drawn to do, explore, and create.


I left thinking that we all likely have some form of art in us. We may or may not get recognized for it, but the point is that the universe is calling us to do it for ourselves.

What’s your art? What is something you can’t not do? Is there something you are compelled to create? Is there a way of being you are compelled to express?

I encourage you to indulge that side of you. What art do you want to bring into the world?



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