The 2024 Monthly Progress Practice

Progress is made through small, consistent action. We offer a monthly practice of small actions or inquiries to inspire positive change this year. Practice makes progress!

January Be ambitious! Take small steps. What is an ambition you want to pursue this year that will move you closer to the vision you have for your life? What’s the first action step?

FebruaryCarpe diem. What is it time for? What’s an ambition you want to take on this year, because its time has come? What’s the first action step? 

MarchNurture. What’s an ambition or goal that is a seedling of an idea? What’s one action you can take to allow yourself to nurture the idea and step into its creative exploration?

April Know yourself. Look back at your last week. Create two lists: What energized you? Do more. What drained you? Do less. 

MayPace yourself—now, near, next. Avoid having everything happen all at once. What must happen now? What can happen near in? And what can still be further out and next? 

JunePause yourself. Pauses and breaks are important to sustain ourselves. They can be short, even just one minute. How can you take a break each day and each week this month?

JulyBe life ambitious. You can be as ambitious about life and maximizing your summer as you are about work. What do you want to be ambitious about in your life this summer?

AugustDial back. How ambitious do you feel right now? Let it be okay for your ambition to ebb and flow. Where can you dial it back this month?

SeptemberEconomize. Put the Pareto principle to work for you. Be audacious and challenge yourself to go after a goal putting in 20% of the effort yet still yield 80% of the results. 

OctoberSatisfy yourself. What would you want to do this quarter to make the year feel successful to you on your terms?

NovemberFind your focus. What matters most as you close the year? What can you put off until next year?  
DecemberSee the good. Find peace in the concept of agathism—that things tend toward good. Find comfort by seeing the good around you.



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Sustainable Ambition™ is about crafting a fulfilling career to support your life from decade to decade.

It is centered around articulating your personal definition of success and achieving that without burnout while honoring your personal aspirations and ambitions as they ebb and flow over time. The end game—more fulfillment and ease in your professional and personal life, while still being ambitious.

We offer 1:1 Executive Coaching, Leadership Coaching, or Career Strategy Coaching, as well as VIP Leadership Brand Sessions and Workshops on a range of Sustainable Ambition topics. We also provide tips and inspiration, advice on career management over the decades, guides on key Sustainable Ambition topics of interest, and coverage of tools and inspiration.