Conscious Ambition Tips: Make it up as you go

Unlike what we’re told (find a path!) or we naturally want (don’t change on me!), I believe we should expect our ambitions to change over time. I think something is likely wrong if our ambitions don’t evolve. Our paths aren’t fixed. We can enter liminal spaces, navigate through them, and trust that we can make it up as we go along.

Conscious Ambition Tips

Allow ambitions to take shape over time.

“Slow down you're doing fine... You can't be everything you want to be before your time.” — Billy Joel, lyrics from Vienna

In his lyrics, I think Billy Joel was alluding to the adjacent possible. What might be possible now, because it’s time?

Let curiosity be your guide.

“Curiosity is more important than knowledge.” — Albert Einstein

Following your curiosities can help you make it up as you go along. Where to look? Your curiosity attractors. This is another great piece by Anne-Laure Le Cunff of Ness Labs on the topic where she explains how curiosity attractors tap into three different aspects of curiosity—wanting to learn, connecting with others, and indulging in novelty. Essentially, what she teaches us is that curiosity attractors are clues to who we are and what we value now.

If you’re wondering what’s next or what might be in your adjacent possible, pay attention to what you’re curious about now.

Cultivate space for curiosity and creativity.

“Inspiration is merely the reward for working every day.” — Charles Baudelaire, poet and art critic Source: Curiosities Esthetiques (1868)

It’s hard for us to notice our curiosities and for ideas to show up when we’re running from thing to thing, living a full life, or when we’re constantly distracted. It takes discipline to carve out space for discovery and exploration. And it takes consistently showing up to do so, even when we don’t feel like it.

When we have space, when we show up consistently over time, ideas flow more easily. Inspiration strikes. We can see threads and experience synchronicity.

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Sustainable Ambition offers a strategic approach for pursuing our professional and personal goals in a way that is motivating, meaningful, and manageable from stage to stage, rather than be all consuming in a way that compromises other important aspects of our lives or sacrifices our well-being.

We offer 1:1 Executive Coaching, Leadership Coaching, or Career Strategy Coaching, as well as VIP Leadership Brand Sessions and Workshops on a range of Sustainable Ambition topics. We also provide tips and inspiration, advice on career management over the decades, guides on key Sustainable Ambition topics of interest, and coverage of tools and inspiration.

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