Trim & Prune


I was given this advise and exercise by a former boss, and it’s coming to mind for me this week.

Sometimes we give ourselves so much to do, explore, and experience that our lists simply get too long. We mean well. We’re trying to do what we think is right, but in the end it gets overwhelming.

I’m experiencing that now. I feel like I need to test many things, but in the end I feel like I’m not doing any of them well or pushing any of them forward sufficiently and to my liking.

I think it’s time to trim and prune. It’s healthy. It’s just like a garden. When you trim and prune, it creates space for new growth.


The Insight: Give yourself the grace to say “no” to your own to do’s. Give yourself space to focus on the most important things to do right now.

Work, Live, OptimizeKathy Oneto