In today's episode, I'm joined by Dana Miranda.
Dana is the author of the forthcoming book, You Don't Need A Budget and her work brings visibility and voice to the diverse experiences we have with money and finance that aren't currently being recognized and expressed in our culture.
You might find for yourself that traditional financial and money management tips don't resonate with you, and Dana is offering new perspective through her media company, Healthy Rich.
My hope is that this episode offers at least two pieces of value for you. First, that it starts to get you to think about how your view of money and financial management can support your Sustainable Ambition. And the second is to raise your awareness around creating a more inclusive world around money and finance, and what might be your part in that.
What you'll hear in today's conversation is how our work is inextricably tied to money, and our relationship with money is inextricably tied to both our histories and personal experiences and the goals we set for our lives. Getting comfortable with our own views on money can be foundational to our Sustainable Ambition.
Let's hear how with Dana Miranda.
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